I had a few lucky moments this past week where I came across some killer photographers and their websites. Most of the artists can be found on DeviantART, but their sites reflect their persona’s far more amazingly than their ol' DA layouts.
Among these,
Mariam Sitchinava’s work blows me away on a rustic breeze. Some of her cultural pieces are breathtaking; I feel like I’m going back in time...there’s a prominent vintage feel about her editing that I completely adore. And her models are gorgeous to boot.

Please send some love her way and check out her collections. Your eyes will thank you. http://mariam.ge/
I’ve been discovering some marvelous Tumblr blogs as of late....which fuels the desire in me to pay more attention to mine. [
.rapt's lone tumblr]
I take a huge amount of pleasure in browsing the images of this site...though the main concept is a bit random.
The Wind in the Wires. This actually belongs to a well-renound DeviantART photographer, of which you can view on her tumblr as well.
And if you’re a fan of Gorillaz like I am, you’ll love to check up on these sites from time to time...
OnepeiceofCheese We are Gorillaz While 'We are Gorillaz' doesn’t get updated too much, OnepeiceofCheese takes the...cake...for being one of the most dedicated fans in the Gorillaz tumblr world...seemingly. I suppose if I devoted myself, I would also have a blog where I posted random bits and scraps of screen-caps and close-ups of existing official artwork, offering my own pov’s and explanations of why things are and what not.
Alright, I think I’ve said quite enough. I could go on? ...No? no.
I’m sure that everyone is fully aware of the Japan earthquake and tsunami disasters by now, but if not then for those of you who haven’t heard... Japan’s Sendai region and other areas were traumatized by a horrific 8.9 earthquake, followed shortly after by a Tsunami that even tossed waves over to the West Coast of the US where I reside.
As I watched the live news feed as it happened, I felt as though I was watching some disturbing apocalyptic movie. Though I normally choose not to believe that the end of days is near, its hard to ignore that all the civil wars and natural disasters going on in the world lately have some sort of odd relevance to each other.
But this, my loves, is where I draw a veil. Whether 2012 happens or not, there’s no point in dwelling over it. Enjoy your life and don’t dwell on the negative, please.
I’m not saying it doesn’t cross my mind though every now and then.
But Japan has always been a special place to me. I visited Tokyo and many other areas of the country back in 2004, and to know that such a catastrophe has occurred breaks my heart. It is good to say "Pray for Japan," as many have been doing, but it is even better to donate to a significant cause.

Artwork by
cellar-fcp of DeviantART.
If you are able, please visit the following sites and make a donation.
Hong Kong Red Cross+
American Red CrossAnything helps. It’s times like these where we need to remember that we are all people, and we as humanity need to set aside our petty problems or differences and look out for one another.
Thank you, lot.