It has been far too long.
College has been eating up my time...... and also, I've been lazy. I'm finally on Spring Break though! And this post marks a new beginning for .rapt. I've wanted to create a new header for quite a while now. I was finally able to sit down tonight and do it!
How original, yes? A triangle for an A with space images flashing by at a crude pace. What can I say? I've been sucked into the trends.
I actually thought of this idea whilst dancing about in my room one night to one of my favorite songs, Julius by Starfucker. So I guess, just listen to that when you stare at space running around inside that triangular A.
Updates, updates, updates?!
None too exciting..... Except that I believe I failed to post anything regarding the battle I endured with the Standby page to snatch passes for Coachella 2012. I was originally trying for Weekend One passes, but of course most of them were bought out earlier in 2011. I then fought like a mad woman for Weekend Two passes. After about 2 hours of endless waiting and sweat, I received a tip-off from a twitter resident who suggested trying a different web browser. I jumped over from Firefox to Internet Explorer and low and behold, several minutes later I had myself 3 primed passes to Coachella's Weekend Two event. I have new faith in IE. It was worth the effort, but I was stunned at how much things have changed since 2010.
I remember that I bought passes 2 weeks before the actual 2010 event with old-school Ticketmaster action.
I guess this is what happens when everyone realizes how amazing something is. Coachella's popularity has caught on like wild fire. But with the lineups they've dropped over the past 3 years, it's no wonder. Passes for 2012's two weekend events sold out within 2 and a half hours of their release date.
That, my friends, is insanity.
I feel like I don't even deserve my passes, due to the thousands of others who were sorely disappointed when they didn't make it past the Standby page.
All I can say to those kids is to try again next year and don't feel down about it! There are so many other crazy-wonderful music festivals during the summer from coast to coast! Look for one with an adequate lineup and you'll be well on your way to a good time.
I have a sour feeling that this year's Coachella is going to be ridiculously crowded, more so than what I experienced 2 years ago. I'm looking forward to it, nonetheless. But it will be utter chaos getting in and out of the fest grounds every day.
On a lighter note, I received the passes in the mail on the 19th of March, and all I have to say is WOW. Not only do they now send you your wristbands ahead of time in a conservative "signature required" package, but you're given a bunch of other cool stuff to go along with it! Have a look:
Tell me, did they do the same thing in 2011? I'm quite amazed.
I've been planning my trip down to the Golden State for a couple weeks now. Working on my tan and wardrobe selections. I still have a lot to prepare for, but it will all come together in the next 3 weeks.
The boy in question and I will be flying out of Washington in the early morning on April 19th and land in San Diego, where we'll meet up with friends and drive into the desert. We'll be camping in Indio and be in line on the morning of the 20th for the 11:00 a.m. opening.
I'll be sure to keep you lot updated as frequently as possible! I'll finally be returning to Coachella, the fest that inspired this blog!
Do let me know if anyone out there will be attending either weekend!
I suppose I should also mention quickly that I've at last made up my mind and I'll be packing my things and moving down to San Diego this August. My homeland of Washington will be missed, but there are times in a youth's life where they need to dare to jump.
Have a great Spring Break, Lot. I'll be spending my week sprawled out on any comfortable surface I can find.
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