It has taken me far too long to do a life update....or any update for that matter! But to commemorate Coachella Valley Music & Art festival kicking off a mere 24 hours prior to now, I am at last updating .rapt and getting back into the groove.
How. Is everyone?
I want to remind .rapt readers that I began this blog in sheer reason of Coachella 2010...which I attended and came home a changed creature. A better human! The entire experience inspired me to live and love through the music that fuels me. So here we are today, an entire year has passed since the fateful voyage to the deserts of California, and I'm still so moved and captivated by it. Watching the Coachella Live Webcast on youtube this evening really made me realize that I must commit myself to 2012's fest. I'm just saying, as a valid excuse to attend, it could be the last!
I kid you, lot.
But I invite EVERYONE to make a pact with me to attend Coachella 2012. Disregard how or why....or money. It is the experience, TRUST this poor bird. I will most definitely be there, roaming the grounds through the sun and making head-pieces out of string. I'll wear a name tag so we can find each other, and we shall dance beneath the stars.
The name tag thing probably won't happen.
But I will without a doubt be in attendance and I hope to see some of you there!
For now, check out the webcast this weekend and froth over the excellence that will surely be next year. Which will, I am hoping, be incredible.
My Coachella 2010 Venture
Where has time flown off to? It is already mid-April. And for some strange reason it is still raining in the NorthWest. (i.e. It's not strange, which is depressing.)
I began my college Spring Quarter, which explains my lack of recent inactivity. Albeit, I always keep up with my Twitter.
I've had many a none-exciting event occur in my day to day life. A few get-togethers with friends and the usual work schedule and going-ons with my roomie and of course the boy in question. Classes are a bit harder this quarter, but I'm striving for greatness. I won't fall in a procrastination rut again.
A wonderfully brilliant event did occur, however. After my ticket waited impatiently for me for several months at Will Call, I finally witnessed Ellie Goulding on Apr. 11th at the Neumos in Seattle. I'm well eager to write an entry about the gig soon! Although I struggle to hold back my complete satisfaction with the show. I love her all the more now that I've seen and heard her live, and she has my support as she partakes on the rest of her tour dates.
I've decided to change things with my Band/Artist of the Week bit. Instead of announcing the band/artist each Monday and then returning on Sunday to do an Overview, I'm simply going to be doing a Monday entry only. The Overview seemed too repetitive to the initial entry and perhaps it is better to state my compiled thoughts on the music all at once in the Monday entry instead.
What do you think?
Of course, I still want to hear how all of you think of the bands and artists! Always feel free to post your personal reviews in the comment section below each Monday entry :]
Well, I believe I've bored you long enough. Enjoy some silly photos of my vacant days and I will see you lot in the daylight hours with Owl of the Week!
Oh yes, and Happy Record Store Day. Get down to your local record shop and pick out a classy album. Support the art of sound!
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